Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Safe Means of Sharing Information with Casinos

I ran across a gambling news article about the release of PlayerVerify.com Player Verify, LLC. I haven’t seen any online casinos that work with this site. It’s a gateway for us as players to share sensitive documents with casinos. When they require identification, this site serves as a safe means to provide it.
Here’s the July 22, 2011 press release from their site:

“FRANKLIN, Tennessee -- (PRESS RELEASE) -- Player Verify, LLC, the only company with a mission to ease the verification process between players and gaming sites for added security launched www.PlayerVerify.com in April, 2010. Designed for both online players and the gaming industry, PlayerVerify.com provides the hub and secure technology needed to ease the player hard document verification process between the two groups.

“With our secure system players simply login, upload their documents and send a request to the gaming site for ID document approval,” says Mark Dalton of Player Verify, LLC. “With PlayerVerify.com, players and gaming sites alike can be confident that sensitive personal information remains private, avoiding unsecure email and facsimile that's currently required within the industry.”

Many gaming sites do internal background checks during registration but this isn't foolproof. "At some point and time a drivers license, passport or some other form of hard ID must be checked, it's the internet." With PlayerVerify.com, instead of faxing or e-mailing sensitive documents, players can upload all of their hard document verification details to one portal avoiding stored information on several gaming servers and computers. PlayerVerify.com makes this information accessible to specific gaming sites or operators, who then obtain the information through an access code provided by the player and player only.

PlayerVerify.com provides online gamers with many account features. Players can see who is viewing their personal documents in real-time and have real-time accessibility to see whether those documents are approved or denied by the gaming site. In addition, players have exclusive access to a log that lists who viewed uploaded documents and when, providing an added layer of security. Users can learn almost instantly if an unauthorized person or site is trying to gain access to their information. Players also have the ability to lock their documents upon approval from the gaming site, further preventing unauthorized access.

Online gaming sites also have many benefits to using PlayerVerify.com. Gaming site operators no longer need to sort through faxes or e-mails that contain the personal details of their players. In addition, gaming sites no longer need to worry about how to properly and safely store or dispose of this critical information. Operators can also benefit from PlayerVerify.com’s online approval/denial services and can quickly send requests for further information from players.
This would make me feel a whole lot safer when I come across this requirement. I recently won a slots tourney and have been dreading the requirement to email or fax my documents to the casino. I don’t know who could have access to my emails out here on the world wide web.”

Does a service like this ease the blow of exchanging your sensitive information?

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