Friday, July 1, 2011

Full Tilt Poker’s Licenses Revoked by The AGCC

In gambling news, the Alderney Gambling Control Commission has revoked Full Tilt Poker’s licenses to operate. In a recent statement AGCC said, “The decision to suspend these licenses follows a special investigation prompted by the indictments unsealed by US Attorney General’s Office in the Southern District of New York on 15th April 2011, during which grounds were found to indicate that these licensees and their business associates were operating contrary to Alderney legislation."

The official statement spells out the restrictions including allowing player withdrawals. Players are unable to receive funds tied up in their Full Tilt accounts.

Here’s the official statement released by the AGCC:

“In the matters of:-


Alderney Gambling Control Commission (AGCC) has today issued Hearing Notices under Regulation 46 of the Alderney eGambling Regulations, 2009 to the above named companies who collectively trade as FULL TILT POKER.

In addition, AGCC has issued Suspension Notices under Regulation 47 of the Alderney eGambling Regulations, 2009 to the above named companies requiring them to immediately suspend operations.

The above named companies must, until the Suspension Notices are cancelled or the Commissioners of AGCC  have reached a determination at the conclusion of the hearing convened in accordance with Regulation 46 of the Alderney eGambling Regulations, 2009 cease to exercise their eGambling licenses, which means that these licensees must from today cease to:-

·         Register new customers;
·         Accept deposits from existing customers;
·         Allow existing customers to withdraw funds that are held in their accounts; and
·         Permit customers to participate in any form of poker game play or gambling transaction.
The Alderney Gambling Control Commission will hear the matters contained in the Hearing Notices at a Regulatory Hearing which will commence at 10.00am on Tuesday 26th July, 2011 at the Victoria Park Plaza Hotel, 239 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1EQ. In the event that there is a change to these details this notice will be amended. In the interim period, AGCC can be contacted by using the following email address: 

André Wilsenach (Executive Director)
Alderney Gambling Control Commission
Alderney, Channel Islands
29th June, 2011”

Luckily I do not have funds locked away at Full Tilt. Do you have money in your accounts that you can’t access? What sort of responss have you as players received from Full Tilt?

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