Thursday, January 19, 2012

What in the World is ICE?

I was playing at the WMS online casino, Jackpot Party, this week and I saw some chat going on about ICE. The player was asking the chat host about their booth and I had to wonder what that was all about. Jackpot Party is licensed in the UK and accepts only UK players at this time. The iGaming conference is taking place in London this month and WMS will have a booth there displaying their latest games. I wish they would launch another site. Now, that would be gambling news to me! Anyway, here’s the scoop on ICE directly from their website.

Everyone's talking about ICE…
Original thinking meets inspirational products underpinned by passion for delivering profitable gaming solutions. That's the compelling mix at ICE Totally Gaming.

ICE is all about:
Meeting world-leading innovators from every sector of the gaming industry
Getting a world view that no other event can deliver
Discovering new ways to drive your business forward

So, if you want to be part of the gaming event everyone's talking about, be sure to make the trip to London in January for ICE 2012!

The conference will be taking place in Earls Court. You’ve got vendors from every aspect of gaming including payment processors, software developers and casino operators. Apparently, online gaming folks come here to get deals and offer amazing exclusive offers to us, the players. They meet and wheel and deal to give us the best experience possible.

From what I understand, these conferences are open to those in the industry. No one can just walk in and explore. I think it would be amazing to allow players to enter and provide feedback. I have to wonder if there would be some fists flying.

What are your favorite online casinos? As a player, would you love the opportunity to meet the people that rule the world of online gambling?

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